jumlah borongan bahasa Inggris
- jumlah: amount; amount of; corpus; gross; number; number
- borongan: bulk; wholesale; sweeping
- harga borongan: lump sum
- kerja borongan: piece-work; piece work
- keuskupan borongan: roman catholic diocese of borongan
- membeli borongan: buy in the lump
- pedagang borongan: wholesaler
- pekerja borongan: jobber; piece worker; pieceworker; wholesaler
- pekerjaan borongan: contract work
- perjanjian borongan: package deal
- secara borongan: by the job; by the piece; wholesale
- upah borongan: contract wages; piece-wages; pieces rate
- jumlah: amount; amount of; corpus; gross; number; number of; quantities; quantity; sum; total; total number; volume; add up; summation; addition; add; totality; figure; complement; tally; full; add together
- lapangan terbang borongan natl: borongan airport
- sistem kerja borongan: piece-work system; task-system